2013 WTTC Top 10 Shots


第八球  松平健太對許昕那球實在太神了,  真是驚人的平衡感 !

第三球  眼鏡哥被對方換手打到的一球嚇了一下, 丟了這分  ^^|

第二球  王皓遇到觸網球處變不驚, 反而變線捲了下一球拿下此分 !

第一球  就真的太神奇了,  此球多次被拿來放送, 這位老兄真是天賦異稟, 普通人不可能用這種方式打到球吧... @@


During the last 8 days of the 2013 World Table Tennis Championships in Paris, there were some breathtaking shots and rallies. We have compressed this into the top 10, so sit back and enjoy!

The video was created for ITTF by Danilo Franco, the owner of ttGecaPhoenix youtube channel



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